Dualisms don't work here. I wrote this sentence in this place multiple weeks ago. Multiple weeks. Multiple weeks are more than one week, but also weeks within weeks. Weeks are many, days are many, seconds are many, years are many, trimesters are many... And they are all also multiple. Keratinochronology. Nails as historical entities. Nail growth as process philosophy. The tip of my left middle nail (Lmn) has acquired a white and yellow tint. This came from letting it sit next to a small flame for a short period of time to see and feel what would happen. Color and temperature change, keratin molecule change is what happened. The temperature change was fleeting, the color change as well, but differently. At first, Lmn’s tip looked red, and maybe it was red and then the colors changed again after I pulled it away. Or maybe it was the lighting in the locale where Lmn was heated. After a night of sleep, the color took the shape it now has, white on the top side, yellowish brown on the bottom, and a gradient in the middle when viewed from a certain angle. This is a historical event, a process. The night of sleep that lead to the visibility of the color change was shorter than usual. Lmn, their kinfolk and I arrived home late. We had spent the evening that turned to night talking and thinking about relationships. Which are, in fact, (the) fountains of history. So its only natural that conversing about them would take a lot of time…