Free writing is difficult. The pace is challenging. The requirement to not stop for too long puts pressure on the writing body. The writing body. The written body. The body as text. Flesh as letters. The body has a syntax. Syntax is a body in itself. Syntax is many bodies. Text as a body. Writing as extension/part of bodies. I feel it is better to think of it this way around: Text as body rather than body as text. Text, writing, syntax, these are floaty concepts for many, even though their effects are anything but. The (human in this case) body on the other hand, one of its main characteristics is that it can’t float, not in air anyway. There is less distance required to reach, to touch the body (and with it its significance). While it can become very abstract (sometimes through text), there are many possibilities to notice and be attentive to the body and its effects, many of which are oftentimes more readily available than noticing the effects of syntax. Writing, text, syntax, these concept-practices are extremely effective and important (to understand/be able to pay attention to). Channeling our attentiveness to text through our bodies is a way to make these concept-practices less floaty at times. This would lead to higher awareness of their relevance and their effects, and we need that.