Cosm, microcosm, mesocosm, macrocosm. I am all of these things. We are all of these concepts. Turning our attention ‘inside’ to our bodies also means turning our attention to the ‘outside’, to the ‘external’. Compared to the larger environments we travel through with our senses on a daily basis: streets, rooms, buildings, fields, etc., our bodies can feel like microcosms in comparison. But viewed from the perspective of our bodies themselves - i.e. fragments of us - our bodies are micro-, meso- and macrocosms all of their own. To the cells in my mouth, the cells of my feet are worlds away. Our digestive tracts are vast landscapes. The keratin in my nails takes a couple steps into an unknown expanse every day. Turning our attention to our bodies to perconceive all of the cosms and rhythms that exist within them is to tune into (the multiplicity of) reality as chaos and difference.