You are a particular assemblage/fragment/patch of chaos. Chaos does not have a teleology, and so neither do you. Chaos does not lead to an ultimate purpose, and so neither do you. Chaos does create different arrangements, different intensities and speeds, connections, movements, possibilities. These don’t have ultimate purposes either, other than their existences as processes. You, as an assemblage of chaos, are a part of these processes and therefore a multiplicity of processes yourself. How to live like this? Find the fragments of you (the assemblage) that feel right, dive into the processes of chaos and connection that lead to their proliferations and see what happens. The specific fragments and processes that feel right, that you were/are/will be “built for” cannot ever be pinned down (being processes of chaos), they can never be fully predicted, and they will never stay the same over time and space (because among other things, neither do you). But they do exist. Chaos makes everything. Including an existence full of meaningful connection without a purpose, possible.