One of the worst things to be in white-supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchy is illegible, not able to be ‘fully’ understood (and therefore assimilated) by the dominant orders. Illegibility here leads to well-meaning curiosity. 1% of the time. The rest of the times it leads to fear or anger, or both. All of which invariably lead to violence. Like when all Japanese have to be interned due to an “unknown and unrecognizable minority of them”, like when a black trans person is killed on the streets for existing, like when a Herero woman resists being raped by a German colonist, like when an intersex person is born in the 20th and 21st centuries, like when “disabled” humans must be exterminated because T4 said so, like when you need an address and your children sent to boarding schools to become “civilized”. The message is and has always been clear: be legible, fit in, save us from your difference or else we will save ourselves. Either by mutilating or killing you. Both options work fine for the majority of us in the long run.