Romantic love is a concept whose components i might understand, but what i don’t understand is what is created when they come together. The results of their combination lack effectiveness / legibility to m(y) body. What is meant by ‘romantic love’? What are the movements it co-creates, how do they feel and what do they amount to? i don’t know, and i’m not very interested in finding out (with a small number of specific exceptions). i mainly have to contend with romantic love when other people (who apparently know what it means, although this often turns out to be only partially true, if at all) try to use it to categorize the expressions of m(y) desire in m(y) relationships. And i subsequently refuse that categorization, a somewhat schizo operation, since i don’t fully know what i’m refusing, but i know that whatever others have meant with romantic love until now is not what i feel/lt.