What is needed? Attention. Attention to what? Difference, becoming/process, connection/contamination. What else? Chaos and precarity. How can the needed attention be cultivated? Reflection. How? More spaces and times for reflection. How? Less labor, more community. Less attention economy, more attention ecology. How to start revolutionary reflection? Take note of what soils, what territories you are starting your processes of reflection on. What has grown there? Who has been the sovereign there? Never move on from these reflections, always move forward with them. Move sideways sometimes. Take lines of flight when they present themselves. Never forget geohistory, never forget the contingency that is indispensable to its movements and developments. Reflect on the externality of your bodies. Where are they? Which parts, and why, are beyond your skin? Why does the state and corporations have so many of them? How have you been changed by your connections? How has your environment been changed by its connections? What are they becoming? Difference is the material of reality, how is it being used in you and your environment? To what aims? How can you, how can we imagine living with difference? Chaos is everything, everything is chaos. How to live with it? Chaos means precarity. How to live with it? How to make life/existence (human and other-than-human) possible today, yesterday, tomorrow, 419 years from now?