What i feel m(y)* nails convey: a mutant strength, an aesthetic but not necessarily "pretty" power; a strong and vital queer constitution; the ability to endure time effectively and constructively, m(y) body as a constant, irregular process; immediate, material connection to people i care about and for and that care about and for me in turn; the ability to create pleasure and discomfort, sometimes simultaneously; m(y) and m(y) body's innate desire to go outside, to travel further, to continuously build structures to connect with the (outside) world in different and novel ways; plasticity and flexibility possible in seemingly hard and rigid material; the anti-essential nature of time combined with specific attention; a slower form of the thrill of becoming; respect for m(y)-self and the changes i illicit with and within m(y) environment; curiosity; the ability/possibility of material, of keratin, to co-create emotions, …

07.07.2024 m(_) explanation